kakes!! with a K for Kristie!

Alrighty so tomorrow is the big game, Go HAWKS! and also my husbands birthday! As an inspiration I am making him a Seahawks birthday cake, with homemade fondant and yummy delicious buttercream frosting.

I made the cake/brownie sheet last night so that it could cool, then I attempted to make a marshmallow fondant, wasn’t as easy as it said it would be. So this morning I went back to the drawing board, and found a super amazing easy fondant recipe, that actually doesn’t taste half bad…So the blue and green fondant is cooling in the fridge as I whip together the buttercream frosting…

Gluten Free almost Paleo Butter Cream Frosting Recipe:

3 and 1/2 Teaspoons almond flour

3 and 1/2 Teaspoons coconut flour

1 and 1/2 cup almond milk

1 and 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1 and 1/2 cup softened butter

1 and 1/2 cup granulated sugar (I am using Organic Maui Cane sugar, but local…makes me feel better for eating so much sugar!)

Pinch of Salt.

Directions: Image

1. In a small saucepan, whisk flour into milk and heat, stirring constantly, until it thickens. It will be a consistency of a thick pancake batter. 

2. Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature.

3. Stir in vanilla

4. While the milk and flour mix is cooling, cream the butter, sugar and salt together until light and fluffy on medium high, with my best friend kitchen aid this took about 5 minutes. 

5. Then add the completely cooled milk mixture

6. Just Beat it! for about 5 minutes on medium to high heat until it looks like whipped cream. It may look separated at first, so continue to beat it!


Finished product:

considering that this is my first time EVER using fondant, or making it and it was a little messy and not too consistent…I think it turned out pretty well…still have a lot of practice to do…



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